MDSW 2016

My plans to go to MDSW on Saturday got a smidge derailed. I overdid it a bit on Friday, had some serious pain issues, and ended up in bed all day Saturday. Thankfully, I was feeling better Sunday morning and my mom’s flight home didn’t leave until late afternoon. So, we loaded up the toddler and a bunch of snacks and headed off to the “Maryland Sheep and Wolf Vestibul”, as my daughter calls it*.

Lots of things went really, really well. We got there early. There were no lines, no crowds, no waits. I recently got a temporary disabled parking placard so we were able to park just a few feet from the gate. The crowds didn’t start to hit until 10 or 11, so there was plenty of time for the kidlet to run around and amuse herself without getting in anyone’s hair.


She got about a million compliments on her dress, and I overheard approximately 15 billion whispered comments on how cute she was. I even saw someone snapping a picture of her. She picked dandelion and grass bouquets while my mom and I looked at beautiful yarn. Couldn’t have been much better.

I got to fondle so much lovely yarn. Highlights include the Neighborhood Fiber Co booth, Verdant Gryphon, Miss Babs, and many, many more. I met some of Orange Smoothie’s shawls “in person” at the Miss Babs booth! I touched qiviut for the first time at the Bijou Basin Ranch shop. We saw sheep, rabbits, sheep, alpaca, sheep, and more sheep. One of the shopkeepers brought a one day old baby lamb that had been rejected by her mother. I could have died from the cuteness!



I got some lovely free samples of wool wash from Kookaburra that I can’t wait to try out. We saw spinners spinning, sheep being sheared, and many many knitters wearing their lovely handknits. I was hoping to finish my Miller’s Daughter shawl but I didn’t even come close. I wore my Merinda instead (and got lots of lovely comments).

It was actually a little chilly as there was a decent wind. As it happens, the only sweater I had with me for the kidlet was also a handknit. She was really representing my work, and looking super cute while doing it!


I didn’t realize until after we left that I didn’t take any pictures of the festival…just my kid! Whoops! I guess I’ll just have to go back next year!

*She was very concerned about the wolves initially. We had to have some discussion about that before she’d agree to go. Understandably, I think.


  1. bonnyknits · May 10, 2016

    She really is adorable! I’m glad you made it, and had a good time!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Paula @ Spin a Yarn · May 10, 2016

    Glad to hear you were feeling better enough to go to the festival and it sounds like everyone had a great time. She is so freaking adorable 🙂 And so is the baby sheep!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. rachel · May 10, 2016

    I’m glad you were well enough to head to the festival and your daughter is just lovely! Even more lovely in her knits 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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